Dienstag, 29. Juli 2008

Wach werden

Auch wenn ich mich oft aus dem Bett quälen muss: sobald die ersten Schritte getan sind, weicht die Müdigkeit einem guten Körpergefühl. Die Seele lässt sich unterdessen von der noch milden Landschaft wecken.

Habe heute von meinem langsamen Lauf (55 Minuten auf 10) ein paar Bilder mitgebracht:

1 Kommentar:

Mhel Bhel Phel hat gesagt…

Did you take those photos?! They look incredible! I love the very first one! The abstraction the reflection creates is breathtaking! I enjoyed looking at them even though I cannot read your blog. :( I wish I speak German. hehe...

Thank you for commenting my blog! I appreciate it! I think U.S. should have just called our football "soccer" like every other country. hehehe By the way, I posted another design I did during college. Please check it out and comment.

How is it like in Germany?

Hope you have a wonderful day! I can't wait to hear from you! :)